Giugliano. In the shopping center a new concept of info point with many innovative services designed for the citizen

The shopping center of tomorrow is increasingly becoming a socialmeeting place where to go for shopping but also where to find tailor-madeservices, a practical help for the everyday life. In the shopping center ofGiugliano this trend is already evident with the addition of relax and leisureareas inside shops and food courts. Innovation doesn’t stop here, becausethrough this citizen-oriented approach the Giugliano shopping center reinventsitself by offering a next-generation info point. Not only leisure, shopping andrefreshment, but more and more listening to the needs of customers to provide customtime-saving solutions and plan event and activities that respond to the needsof the territory.
Thanks to the partnership with travel agency “Viaggiare quasi gratis”the new Infopoint provides services that allow, for instance, to purchaseflight tickets as well as tickets for boat or train trips, from booking lowcost holidays and group pilgrimage trips to purchasing tickets for concerts andfutsal matches. The Infopoint also gives the opportunity to long-term rent acar or motorbike, or to deliver to your home floral arrangements. The Infopointarea is equipped with power banks for charging smartphones that customers canbring along while strolling through the shopping center.
“The offer of the new infopoint – says Luigi Lancia, Center’s Director –is dyanamic and evolves every day through listening to our customers. Inaddition to providing information on all activities in the shops of the Centerand on all scheduled events, the Infopoint becomes an everyday connection pointwith citizens, with the territory and their needs”.
The Infopoint is in the central hallway of the Center in front of theGrandVision shop, and is open every day from 10,00 to 20,30.