Nhood: the creation of a new real estate venture for building the cities of the future

Ceetrus and Nodi have merged to create a new real estate venture for the turnkey development of projects, with a focus on listening to the local area, inspired by inclusiveness and proximity.
Two big names in real estate, Ceetrus and Nodi, have joined forces to bring to life the new city of the future. Antoine Grolin, Chairman of Ceetrus, Chairman and Founder of Nodi, announces the creation of Nhood, a new Group of mixed real estate services, set to become a major market player at an international level.
The main aim of this merger project is to transform and regenerate living spaces, with the development of new neighbourhoods in areas in need of requalification. The project shall see the involvement of all Ceetrus and Nodi real estate companies, both part of the Muillez Group, bringing to life acompany that will manage, animate, develop and transform places and sites in to new living spaces, transforming business and retail models. A new reality, with a strong focus on services, headed by Antoine Grolin. For Italy, the general direction for the domestic and Ukrainian markets has been placed in the hands of Marco Balducci, former Chief Executive Officer of Ceetrus for both markets.
The Ceetrus and Nodi merger will result in the convergence of know-how and highly qualified professional resources from both companies, in a single company present in 10 European Countries.
Etienne Dupuy, general director of Nhood, is tasked with ensuring a smooth transition and with implementing the strategy for guiding reciprocal skills within the new company while respecting local autonomies, so that Nhood can characterise itself as a real estate services company that generates a positive impact at an international level.
Specifically,the new company’s mission will be to build and develop sites and places, mindful of a triple positive impact: social,environmental and economic(Plant, People, Profit) – in line with the UN Sustainability Development Goalsas set forth in the 2030 agenda.
Thanks to the experience and professionalism of both companies, Nhood will be able to integrate a complete range of real estate services: development, asset management, commercialisation and promotion, allcentred around proximity, culture and innovation. All this by leveraging 1,029 professionals distributed across 10 European Countries, a portfolio of 300 commercial sites, including 200 own property ones, 30 thousand residences and over 25 projects underdevelopment, for an asset value of almost 8 billion Euros.
The new company expects to see a 30% growth rate in terms of turnover over the next three years, due to the acquisition of a client portfolio with an estimated development potential of over4 million square metres, around half of which consisting of living solutions and urban requalification projects, for a total value of around 500 million Euros.
Nodi is a real estate company that operates in France with a €679 million turn over relative to the current 19 projects that will come to fruition in 2022. Its mission is to develop, promote and create fulfilling and sustainable places for living and working, where every single space is designed by assessing environmental, economic and social impact, aboveall favouring less well-off social classes and workers.
Ceetrus Group is present in 10 Countries, with 295 Shopping Centres and over 10,700 stores, for an asset value of 8 billion Euros and an annual turn overof 567 million Euros.
In Italy, Ceetrus is present with 47 centres and 5 retail parks dotted up and down the Country, with a turnover of 103 million Euros and an asset value of 880 million Euros. Last July, it announced an ambitious 2.5 billion investment plan for important urban requalification projects ranging from residential, office and retail real estate premises to co-housing andco-working solutions. Merlata Bloom(Milan), Milanord2 (Milan) and TODream (Turin) are among its new initiatives, conceived in accordance with new business models that take into account the evolution of urban spaces, in response to the needs of citizens and in line with new life styles. All the facilities distinguish themselves in virtue of the innovative nature of the available services, sustainability and social integration. They have arisen thanks to a deep capacity for listening, a quality that has always characterised the policies and managerial choices of Ceetrus.
Marco Balducci, Chief Executive Officer of Ceetrus, declares how “Nhood is destined to have amajor influence on the creation of urban requalification projects, for more resilient and ecological cities with an enhanced potential for mixed use. If the real estate market rises up to the challenge of boosting innovation and the integration of physical and digital experiences, then the industry will be able to play a leading role in the development of people-oriented cities of the future”. In conclusion, Mr. Balducci states that “With this new company, we are rising up to an important busines schallenge and our hope is that it will lead to long-lasting growth and expansion, with positive effects for the market, citizens and the entire stakeholder system”.
Antoine Grolin,Chairman of Nhood explains how “Together we will create mixed places destined to revolutionise cities and retail, places that will generate a triple positive impact and that are close to town centres,within 15 minutes away. We have built a real estate services company with extraordinary resources, which will benefit the land and the population as awhole, thanks to our transversal expertise, in addition to our efficiency andreliability, qualities which have always distinguished us”.
Etienne Dupuy,General Director of Nhood declares:“We will intervene at each site to ensure long-lasting and sustainable requalification that will improve the life of future generations. Starting from the local area, we aim to design cities and neighbourhoods that are animated and provide connections for both residents and commuters. Our vision is to develop and provide innovative resource management services for the entire area and single neighbourhoods, creating living places with a triple positive impact, generating a virtuous synergy for as many users as possible. In order to achieve this goal we have committed ourselves locally to make room for listening, inclusion and mediation”.
Ceetrus ItalyS.p.A. is a major player on the commercial real estate scene in Italy. The Italian branch of the French group Ceetrus currently operates across 47 centres and 5 retail parks, with 2,300 stores, 680,000 sqm of gross leasable area (GLA) and more than 185 million visitors per year. Ceetrus has an extensive experience across a complete range of fields on the retail market, for the planning, promotion, commercialisation and management of its own shopping centres and retail parks or on behalf of third parties. The company’s new positioning embodies its evolution from a commercial real estate firm to an all-round developer of real estate proposals. With 295 shopping centres throughout the world, Ceetrus has now turned to building living spaces which integrate shops, residential units, offices and urban infrastructures, inclose collaboration with citizens and the local area. The mission of Ceetrus is to build sustainable, smart and vibrant places, consolidating social ties that will animate the city of tomorrow.