With the project Emotional Food, started by Ceetrus, food turns into an actual “destination”

The beginning of 2017 has seenthe introduction of a new concept of food service able to value local productsand bring into shopping centers (but not only) gourmet food of the highestquality, with different formats varying from region to region. With the projectEmotional Food, started by Ceetrus, food turns into an actual “Destination” and– thanks to the collaboration with Gruppo Ethos – gives birth to OfficineItalia in the shopping center Porte di Mestre and in the food courtDeguStazione of the new Fanocenter – located in the area of Pesaro – that onthis occasion has been renovated and expanded. The two projects celebratecraftmanship, the culture of good food and people’s well-being through specialad-hoc courses.
With an area of 2,150 sqm onthe first floor of the gallery, Officine Italia accommodates 250 booths andenhances local production and craftsmanship, hence the name “Officine” whichliterally means “Workshops”, since everything they offer starts from organicingredients or sustainable agriculture. Gourmet burgers, cuts of quality grilledmeat and fine pastries are just some of the gastronomic offerings. OfficeItalia hosts different shops with direct production that are actual workshops(of the Chef, of Gelato, of hand-made bread, of Caffè, etc.). The Italianice-cream, for instance, is made without added preservatives, colours orsweeteners. Biological and buckwheat flour is used, as well as pearl barley,hemp or Tritordeum, mixed together with sourdough to produce bread and focacceon the spot. There is also a juice bar, with juices that are 100% natural fruitand organic vegetables, while at the Cicchetteria you can try a Venetian Spritzor Birra Libera’s craft beer. Inside Officine Italia there is also a 150 m²market of gastronomical excellences, with products such as homemade pasta,preserves, sauces, Officine Italia brand products, and an actual wine shop witha selection of over 300 bottles of natural and biodynamic wines. OfficineItalia is not only food, but articulates itself in the wider project FuoriOfficine, in which good food is accompanied by live music shows.
On an area of over 900 sqm thefood court Degu-Stazione welcomes visitors in a former train station of theearly 1900s with red bricks and vintage street lamps. Each train car offers agastronomic excellence, first and second courses, from pasta “stretched” byhand under the eye of visitors to high quality meats, from brick oven pizza toa selection of wines and cheese from the wine shop, from fresh fish in all itsvariants to tasty fried food, or even piadine, focacce, homemade ice-cream, anda welcoming bar area and a coffee shop. Open from breakfast to dinner,Degu-Stazione offers gastronomic excellence which varies depending on the timesof the day, including local products as well as biological, vegan, vegetarian,and gluten-free products, or for those affected by some food intolerances.