A wind of change in the shopping center of Pompei: Mondo Convenienza will open alongside new shops and services

The doors of the new store dedicated to home decor will open on April 4th. Four days of celebration with animation and tasting
Shopping center Auchanof Pompeii finds new life thanks to the opening of the first Mondo Convenienzastore in town: one of the most renowned brands of home décor that madecompetitive prices its trademark. OnApril 4th, in occasion of theopening of next-generation store extending over a surface area of 2,500sqm, the shopping center planned fourdays of celebration. Until April 7th in the specially equippedoutdoor area there will be animation, games and gadgets. For the occasion itwill be possible to taste Neapolitan pizza fresh out of the wood oven as wellas Neapolitan pastries made on the spot.
The store of Mondo Convenienza isn’t the onlynew addition to shopping center of Pompei. A new shoe shop and jewelrystore have already arrived and the entire center will be enriched with newshops and services that will inaugurate from April 4th and in thefollowing months. Among these, for instance, there will be a perfume shop and anew travel agency.
Says Maurizo Martella, Head of Property Management South Area Ceetrus:
With the arrival of Mondo Convenienza and the new shopswe wanted to respond to our clients’ requests the Center thus becomes alandmark for the world of home decor, and not only that. The news confirm ourattention to the specific needs of the territory, with a center for theneighborhood that fits into the urban texture, a place where you cancomfortably and rapidly do your shopping and find an updated and improvedoffer.