and Diversity

No matter our gender,
we are all PEOPLE.

We belong to a large international Group spanning 10 countries and representing an invaluable, extraordinary variety of languages and cultures, histories and experiences, generations and abilities.

We at Nhood are Men and Women who belong to a large international Group spanning 10 countries and representing an invaluable, extraordinary variety of languages and cultures, histories and experiences, generations and abilities.

Diversity is a manifesto of our very being and acting. It’s the drive behind our free thought that leads us to see the world beyond its appearance and grasp its multifaceted complexity and beauty.

Appreciating individuals’ uniqueness is what we commit to every day: we firmly believe that diversity is the most genuine key to effecting real change. In a continuously evolving world, diversity is a source of renewal.

In Nhood, investing in human capital and individuals’ uniqueness means promoting an open-minded culture that encourages inclusion and self-development. It means caring about people and allowing their wellbeing to guide our actions, the lifeblood of our projects.

We work with a desire to share values, ideas and good business practices, and we convey these concepts to all those who collaborate with us so that, together, we can build a flourishing network of interchange and bountiful opportunities for training and professional growth.

Inclusion, diversity, training and a culture of positive impact are not just slogans: IN POSITIVE IMPACT WE TRUST!


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Our benefit

Our time

Agile Work and Flexible Hours Project

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Enhancing human capital, for Nhood, means taking care of the balance between private and professional life; for this reason, our company policies provide for Agile Work and flexible working hours, in a win-win perspective.

Tax Return Assistance

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We support you in the compiling of the tax return by making an affiliated centre for tax assistance and expert consultants at subsidized costs available to you, because your time is important.

Leave for school integration

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Parenting is a full-time job and we want to make it easier for you with 5 hours of extra paid leave for your children’s integration into the school system, up to age 6.

Training leave

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Do you believe in your talent? We believe in it too! Nhood promotes training and recognizes 2 extra days of paid leave for participation in training courses consistent with their job scope for each employee.

Sick leave

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In the event of illness, all employees may take paid leave from work without having to submit a medical certificate (up to a maximum of 3 days per year and if the absence does not last more than one working day).

Paternity leave

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In addition to the 10 days required by contract, Nhood allows all new fathers to enjoy 3 days of paid leave.

Medical leave

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Taking care of one’s own health is a priority for Nhood: all employees can take 8 hours of leave for personal medical appointments or to accompany their parents (over 80 years old) or their children (under 12 years old).

Bereavement leave

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For bereavement, employees may take 3 days of paid leave due to the death of a first degree relative, and one day of paid leave in the event of the death of their in-laws.

Our life in the company

Meal Vouchers

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Thanks to the agreement with Pellegrini, all Nhooders have daily meal vouchers available to use at the many businesses in the area.

Fresco Frigo

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Your nutrition is important! In our kitchen, you will find a smart refrigerator that thanks to a super smart App allows you to have, with a single tap, fresh, quality products for the needs of all, at any time of day!

The kitchens

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Two super-equipped kitchens are available in the headquarters, providing you with all the amenities for your breaks.

Free water

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Getting enough water is good for our bodies but also for our minds! Room temperature, cold and sparkling natural filtered water dispensers are available in each kitchen for everyone to use.

Break rooms, CoWorking and the small plaza!

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Our office spaces are multifunctional and comfortable, designed as social accelerators: here you can both work and carve out a moment of leisure and relaxation.

Book Sharing & Newspapers

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Information is power! In our small plaza you will find, at your disposal, a library from which you can borrow books, manuals and newspapers.

Solidarity Hour Bank

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At Nhood, the company is a supportive community that is nurtured through mutual support. If a colleague faces problems of a Social-Health nature, donate your time and give your hours of leave thanks to the solidarity hour bank!

Gender Protection

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The right to protection against discrimination is a universal right for all individuals. At Nhood, we are committed to ensuring that this right is respected. Nhood strongly supports campaigns against violence against women, and violence against gender and sexual orientation. Considering the provisions of Art. 24 of Legislative Decree 80/2015, Nhood introduced better conditions for victims of gender-based violence.

Our personal life

Welfare Plan

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We provide you with an employee saving tool that allows you to access a wide range of proposals and services (second level supplementary agreement).


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In the dedicated portals you will find many active offers that allow you to save on your purchases or subscriptions.

Our health

Health Coverage

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Thanks to the Fondo Est, Quas & Fasdac health plans, we preserve your health.

Contracted Swab tests

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To safeguard your health, and that of all employees, we offer free periodic rapid swab tests and serological tests

Desk Reservations

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Our app is smart and super intuitive and allows you to securely reserve your desk and work space to ensure social distancing

For an inclusive future

Accident Insurance

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In Nhood all employees have professional and extra-professional accident insurance

Supplemental retirement planning

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You can pay a portion of your income into the supplementary pension fund FON.te, in which Nhood contributes a share!

Possibility of requesting severance pay for renovation works

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In addition to the classic conditions for redeeming severance pay provided by the National Collective Labour Contract, Nhood allows you to request it also in the case of home renovation!


Galleria Buenos Aires, 8-12
ingresso via Giovanni Masera 7
Milano, 20129, IT

Tel: +39 02.50030336
Email: info@nhood.com

Nhood Corporate

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